
Classic College & Pro Basketball 2015-16 Pro Player Cards • Team Cards • Game Components

Pro Card Sets 2015-16

All 30 Teams/360 cards/$45.95

Conference Finals/4 Teams/48 cards/$6.95

Conference Semi-Finals/ 8 Teams/96 cards/$12.95

Playoff First Round/16 Teams/192 cards/$24.95

Extra Players Set 1 for all 30 teams/90 cards/$12.95

Extra Players Set 2 for all 30 teams/168 cards/$21.95


Toronto 56-26

Boston 48-34

New York 32-50

Brooklyn 21-61

Philadelphia 18-64


Cleveland 57-25

Indiana 45-37

Detroit 44-38

Chicago 42-40

Milwaukee 33-49


Miami 48-34

Atlanta 48-34

Charlotte 48-34

Washington 41-41

Orlando 35-47


Oklahoma City 55-27

Portland 48-34

Utah 40-42

Denver 33-49

Minnesota 29-53


Golden State 73-9

Los Angeles (C) 53-29

Sacramento 33-49

Phoenix 23-59

Los Angeles (L) 17-65


San Antonio 67-15

Dallas 42-40

Memphis 42-40

Houston 41-41

New Orleans 30-52


Game Components

Game Components - $15.95

Postage - $8.49

Flat Rate Postage (add once for this order)

This player card set includes 12 players per team.

The extra player card Set 1 will expand most rosters to

15 players. Set 2 includes all the players in Set 1 and all other extra players who played for a team during the course of this season. During the playoffs team rosters

are expanded to 13 players with 12 allowed to dress.

The player cards for this season have been specifically

calculated by player for their technical foul rating.

Team Cards

Team cards are designed to play the pro version of

Classic College & Pro Basketball™ using one card per team. Team cards are available for all of the 2015-16      pro teams. To order a team card set(s) click the basketball next to the add to cart button. The price

of a team card set varies by the number of teams in a

group. When playing with team cards you use the

game components as with the player card version.

Game Components

A set of game components is needed to play the

Classic College & Pro Basketball game. They

include: a four-color game box, charts, instructions, scoresheets, and factor cards. All card sets include printed envelopes. To order game components

use the Game Components Add To Cart button.

Flat Rate Postage

The flat rate postage for any order is $8.49,

and must be added to your order [one time]

using the Add To Cart button shown left.

Ordering Info